Welcome To
The Shay Fixer
Specializing in brass Pacific Fast Mail/ United geared locomotives
drawing courtesy of Rich Kacin, modified by 'The Shay Fixer'...
...access the 'The Shay Fixer's' YouTube Channel to see videos of our work and model Shays in action!
...click on the Shay button below...
I Buy Shay Parts and Geared Locomotives...
almost any manufacturer...
parts could be u-joints/metal or plastic splines/worm and tower gears/trucks/etc.
basket-case geared locomotives/estate sale or what have you...
at a reasonable price of course since I reuse these parts to repair other peoples, just like you, Shays and other geared locomotives...
At this point in time,
Your spare parts box is my primary source of parts for repair of these brass works of art...
No quantity too small to purchase!
Please, give me a call at:
530.253.3060 PST
and lets talk about how your generosity can help restore to operation one of these magnificent geared locomotives...
~ Thank you so much... ~
If you have or know of:
an United
HO scale HO 'Osborn
Lumber' Shay, parts bag with box and foam
in excellent shape with a manufacture date of around 1984/5 on rear of
an United
HO scale HO or HOn3 'Caddo
River Lumber Co. #11' Shay, tall
'Diamond' stack, late run with can motor, full backhead detail, beveled
gears, parts bag with box and foam in excellent shape with a manufacture
date of 1984/5 on rear of box...
a KTM Scale Models/Precision Scale Co. HO scale HOn30
Class 'A' Shay, with box, original
paperwork, parts bag and foam in excellent shape...
an United/PFM
HO Scale HO 'Coos
Bay' 2-truck Willamette, parts bag with
box and foam in excellent shape with a manufacture date of around 1981 or so
on rear of box...
...Please contact me immediately...
I would love to have the opportunity to work out a deal with you. Thank you kindly for your time, effort and consideration...
Thanks again, Phil
”...your brass imports master mechanic...”
We are now repairing the split drive gears on:
HO Bachmann 80-Ton 3-truck Shays with the NWSL Part#2800-6 Regear kit
On30 Bachmann 2-truck T-Boiler Shay with the NWSL Part#28001-6 Regear kit
Turnaround is quick and price is most reasonable...Contact me for details...
”...custom nickel wheel and parts plating...”
”...the brass Shay or Climax of your dreams...lies only a click away...
...and don't forget books and genuine PFM parts too...”
I have in house, the largest remaining inventory/selection of original PFM/United factory Shay parts in the world!!!
Also in house, is the largest remaining PFM/United factory inventory of parts for the : PFM/United HOn3 Sumpter Valley 2-6-6-2’s…all runs,
PFM/United HOn3 Uintah Railroad 2-6-6-2
and PFM/United’s
HO Mason Bogie 2-6-4T.
”...did you think that we could sit around upon success and do nothing...”
Testtraxx, the business, is now up for sale...
click the link below to learn more about your new 'work from home' opportunity!
”...it's like a treadmill for your engines...”
...and of course...
”...handcrafted in the USA for modelers and hobbyists worldwide...”
”...this is the next step in getting 'satisfaction guaranteed'...”
”...here you are directed to other quality friends and services...”
Philip M. Floyd (530) 253-3060 PST
webmaster: dawglife4me website updated: 020425
Beautiful Northeastern California's
John from Salem, Oregon...
John from Salem, Oregon...
Thanks for the quick turnaround! The box came today at about 1130
am. No bumps or bruises. I'll be opening it this afternoon and hope to give the
Shay a test run.
My Shay runs great on my Digitrax set-up... once I
understood how to run it in DC mode!
Super smooth operation; lights...front and back
work...firebox lights up, too.
I'm one happy logging railroad super! Now the next step is to check
DCC ready or not...that is the question.
Many thanks to the Shay Fixer for great work, prompt turnaround and value-added
Tom from Black Mountain, North Carolina...
Thanks so much!
George from
Coeur d’Alene,
I finally got
into your website
it looks great!”
Grandad Eldon,
The Motorman
Want to thank
you for your referral of your customer Barry. He called me today.
Your website
is an outstanding piece of work!!
trains!! Thank you
Jan from
Gaithersburg, Maryland…
I can't thank you enough
for providing the correct part numbers for those connectors. It is just what I
have been looking for so long.
Many thanks
I've looked at your web site.
Your craftsmanship and your attention to detail are impressive!
BTW, if the disc I'm shipping tomorrow arrives damaged, I'll ship the next one
in a metal box.
Brass of course
I am happy
you acknowledged my email.
I am still looking around for a replacement part, if however, I am unable to get
one, I will ship the truck. Appreciate you replying to my email.
I look at
your site and you do amazing work.
I admire it
I have been meaning to tell you that it
was nice to
see your picture in the Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine.
Maybe you are going to get some of the credit you have earned.
It was good to meet you up in Seattle
and I am glad I brought you my std. gauge shay to repair with my new HON3 you
are working on for me.
Congratulations again,
Pete from New Hampshire...
Are the
toothed wheel gears on (non-helical geared) Cowichan's, Hillcrest's and Benson's
so delicate that they aren't going to last very long in actual operation no
matter what care is given them?
The model runs well,
but I compare those baby teeth to the teeth on a B-2 Shay...hmmm!
model work on your website!
By the way- I
recommended you and Nano Oil to Bob Brown at the Gazette for a story. Don't know
if he followed up, but I think you have some valuable techniques for PFM Shays.
Grandad Eldon,
The Motorman
I love your
critters are cute!!
You have motivated me big time, I got to get my website in shape!!
Happy trains!!
The photos are beautiful.
Did you use a cam for the chuff rate or CV 116?
my Shay is
running fine now, thanks
Sure enjoyed our conversation.
Your great knowledge of "All
Things Shay"
will probably in the end save me a lot of aggravation (as well as money).
No need to reply to this email -
it's just a thanks for the call and the info you passed on.
The plan we settled on makes a
lot of sense. The Bachman’s were, at
best, stopgap fixes until I could get the brass fixed.
The plan to queue the brass up for the first of the year is fine with me
- I can get rid of the Bachman’s and use the funds for the rest. The two
Cowichan HOn3 Shays and the HOn3 Heisler will serve my needs nicely.
I'll check in from time to time and let you know how the DC loco on DCC
track works with the workaround you gave me.
Hope your healing and PT goes
well, and that you have the same success I've had.
It makes a lot of difference on how you feel after it's all over.
Thanks again,
Wayne from Red Lodge, Montana…
Thank you and by the way, you have an excellent website!”